Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash

Choosing Your Goals? Here’s How to Hit the Bullseye!

Charli Wheeler


Choosing your goals is like embarking on a transformative journey, akin to being a daring explorer setting sail on the vast ocean of self-improvement. Your compass? Your very own goals, the guiding lights that steer your path. But as you gaze upon the horizon, you can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the immense universe of potential goals stretching before you, like a boundless sea. It’s easy to feel lost, adrift amidst the vastness of possibilities.

So, how do you navigate through the stars and chart a course towards the goals that are truly meant for you? Fear not, for we shall embark on a deep dive into the depths, uncovering the four critical lighthouses that will illuminate your way and guide you to your destined goals.

1. Draw Your Life’s Masterpiece

Imagine your life as a blank canvas waiting to be painted. The first step? Dream in HD! Unleash your inner Da Vinci and create a grand picture of your life based on your deeply held beliefs and values. Reflect, journal, and embark on a soul-searching quest to identify the top ten principles that define your identity.

Now, use this as your palette to sketch out your ultimate desire or life purpose. Sounds intimidating? Don’t worry, boil it down into one crisp sentence. This clarity will act as a beacon…

